Eleventh Sunday of Pentecost

Jesus Finds a Solid Rock

Matthew 16: 13 - 20

Mark 8: 27 - 30

Luke 9: 18 - 21

John 20: 21 - 23

The disciples seemed to give one another joking nicknames in the early days of Jesus' ministry, and Simon was called Cephas (the rock) in Aramaic, perhaps because Peter changed his opinions and his enthusiasms so quickly.

But the nickname became true when Jesus called him Peter (the rock), in Greek, for making the declaration in today's lesson.


1. What did Jesus ask his disciples?

[Jesus asked, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?"]

2. Who answered him?

[The disciples offered many possibilities.]

3. What did Peter say?

[Peter said, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God."]

4. What rock is Jesus talking about?

[Jesus is talking about Peter's statement of faith, saying that this steadfastness in faith will be the solid foundation of his church.]

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