Second Sunday of Easter

Jesus Visits His Disciples, but Thomas Needs Proof


John 20: 19 -31
Luke 24: 36 - 43
First Corinthians 15: 5
Acts 1: 3 - 5

Easter was a very full day for Jesus and for the disciples.

Early in the morning, the women of the group went to Jesus' tomb to prepare his body properly for burial, only to discover that Jesus had risen from the dead. The disciples ran to the tomb to confirm the story.

That same day, Jesus joined two of his followers on the road to Emmaus, eating with them at their house. Sometime during that day he appeared to Peter in Jerusalem.

Late that evening, when the disciples had gathered to talk over the events of the day, Jesus came and stood among them, asking for something to eat. A week later, he reappeared to the eleven disciples in the same room.

The disciple Thomas, who was not present at this first meeting, was called Didymus (twin in Greek), perhaps because he looked so much like Jesus that he was often mistaken for Jesus' twin brother.

Even though the language is difficult, an older class might enjoy "Seven Stanzas at Easter," published by John Updike in Telephone Poles and Other Poems.

1. How did Jesus greet his disciples?

[Jesus said, "Peace be with you."]

2. Why did Jesus breathe on the disciples?

[Jesus breathed on the disciples so they could receive the Holy Spirit.]

3. Jesus had given the power to forgive and to retain (keep and not forgive) the sins of the people to Peter in Matthew 16:19. We call this power the Office of the Keys. Who did Jesus give this power to here?

[Jesus gave the power to forgive and retain sins to all the disciples.]

4. What was Jesus' final blessing to the people?

[Jesus said, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.]


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