Fourth Sunday in Advent

Mary Sings Praises to God

Luke 1: 47 - 55

I Samuel 2: 1 - 10

After the Angel Gabriel told Mary that she would become the mother of Jesus, Mary went to stay with her cousin Elizabeth, who was married to Zechariah, the priest.

When Mary met her cousin, she greeted Elizabeth with a song of praise which is very like the song of Hannah (I Samuel 2: 1 - 10), a cherished and beloved wife, who became the mother of Samuel.

Mary's song of praise is called the Magnificat, because of its first word in Latin, which means magnify.

Read the King James version of this poem to your class, helping them with the hard words, encouraging them to appreciate the richness of her poetry.


1. How will future generations remember Mary?

[They will call her blessed.]

2. What has God done for the hungry?

[He has filled them with good things.]

3. Which of God's promises does Mary recall?

[She remembers God's promise to Abraham and to his descendants, of whom she is one.]


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