Seventh Sunday of Pentecost

Seventy-two Disciples Go Out and Return

Luke 10: 1 - 11, 16 - 20

It was an act of great bravery for the disciples to go out in mission without Jesus to lead them. Yet they went without any luggage, and they returned joyfully. Could we do the same?

1. How did Jesus send the disciples out?

[Jesus sent the disciples out in pairs, two by two.]

2. What ministry did Jesus tell the disciples to do?

[Jesus told them to heal the sick.]

3. What did Jesus tell the disciples to take with them?

[Jesus told the disciples to take only what they had on their backs - to leave money and traveling bags and extra sandals behind. In other words, he sent them out without any backpacks or luggage.]

4. How did the disciples feel when they came back?

[The disciples were excited when they came back.]

5. What did the disciples say when they came back?

[The disciples said, "Even the demons obeyed us!"]

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