Twentieth Sunday of Pentecost

You Won't Be Harmed by the Sun during the Day or by the Moon at Night

Psalm 121: 6

As we look at the awesome dreams and visions of Jacob and his son Joseph, this is a good time to remember the God who keeps us safe as we sleep.

Encourage your students and their families to sing evening or bedtime prayers.

Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying (With One Voice 775), Jesus, Remember Me (With One Voice 740), Father, I Adore You, various settings of the Kyrie (With One Voice 601, 602, 604), Children of the Heavenly Father (Lutheran Book of Worship 474) or the sweet lullaby, Oh, Sleep Now, Holy Baby (With One Voice 639) are all simple and serene choices.

Copy the words to one sung prayer on colored card stock and let the children decorate them with paints or markers to take home to hang by their beds, as they sleep safely with a loving God watching over them.

My Goodnight Bible Songs from Standard Publishing is a lovely gift book for small children.

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