Fifth Sunday in Lent
If A Seed of Wheat Dies, It Brings Forth Much Fruit
John 12: 24
One more time, Jesus tells his disciples that his death will be a good thing, bringing salvation to all people.
But the disciples know how terrible it will be to lose him from their lives - he is their very best friend.
We will look at the miracle of death to life as we look at sprouting seeds.
Choose mung beans to sprout into bean sprouts, or radish seeds for radish sprouts, or alfalfa seeds for alfalfa sprouts.
Dampen heavy paper towels and layer them with the beans or seeds. The children may want to take them home to dampen every day and to watch for life - ask them to keep a journal.
The more adventuresome may want to sprout wheat grass from wheat kernels, but sprouting wheat may take more patience and care than sprouting beans.
Bring the sprouted seeds to class the next week (and buy some at the supermarket), make salads, and enjoy the miracles of God's goodness to us.