Tenth Sunday of Pentecost
Sing Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs as You Praise the Lord with All Your Heart
Ephesians 5: 19
The Book of Psalms was the first songbook compiled for the purpose of singing praise to God - most of the Psalms were written to be sung, not read or recited.
The Christian tradition has expanded considerably on the tradition of singing only psalms, although we still sing many of them, especially the 23rd psalm.
Ask the children to begin compiling loose-leaf binders of their favorite hymns and spiritual songs, and let them each decorate or illustrate a copy of their most favorite to post on the bulletin board.
Put up a green background and the banner, and supply the children with copies of their favorite hymns to decorate or ask them to hand-letter them as nicely as they can, adding illustrations if they like. Their choices may surprise you.
Older children may want to research the origins of their favorites in the hymnbooks, finding out as much as they can about the composers and songwriters.
This is a good day to sing, "The Lord's My Shepherd" to Brother James' Air (Lutheran Book of Worship 451) - it's difficult, but beautiful, and the children will be proud of mastering it. And certainly sing the children's favorites today and in the days to come.
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