Thirteenth Sunday of Pentecost

We Put on the Whole Armor of God

Ephesians 6: 10 - 20

Paul was put in prison many times for telling the good news about Jesus.

The Romans worshiped their emperors as gods, and the Romans leaders were afraid that they would lose control of their people if the people were free to worship the One God. So they saw Paul not just as a troublemaker, but as someone who could overthrow their whole system of government.

In this passage, Paul refers to a long tradition of war poetry that occurs in many cultures. As men prepared for battle, they would recite special poems while putting on their armor, so they would be ready for battle emotionally as well as physically.

Paul knows that we too must prepare ourselves as we go into the world to tell the story of Jesus. For many people the good news about Jesus is still bad news.

This is a good day to sing A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Lutheran Book of Worship 229) and to read Psalm 46, on which it is based.

1. What makes us strong?

[The strength of the Lord makes us strong.]

2.Why do we wear armor?

[We wear armor to defend ourselves against the devil's tricks.]

3. What do we wear to keep ourselves safe?

[We wear truth, justice, desire to tell the good news about peace, faith, God's saving power, and the message God sends through the Holy Spirit.]

4. What do we do to keep ourselves safe?

[To keep ourselves safe, we never stop praying.]


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